Step into the Fire of Transformation

"It's like this. I'm walking in the desert and I see an enormous snake, and I'm terrified of snakes. So I jump back and my heart is beating and I'm paralyzed with fear. And then I happen to look again, and I see that the snake is actually a rope.

Now I invite you to stand over the rope for one thousand years and try to make yourself afraid of it again. You can't. It's not possible, because you have realized for yourself what is true. That is self-realization. You realize that the snake is a rope and that there's nothing to be afraid of. It was just a misunderstanding.

The mind is full of apparent snakes - the stressful thoughts that cause us sadness or anger or depression. And I can tell you that every snake in the mind is actually a rope. There are no exceptions.

If you think you have a problem, you're confused. If you think that there are any problems in the world, you are confused. You're looking at a rope and seeing a snake. Life is not fearful. It's our unquestioned thoughts about life that cause our suffering, not life itself. Life is benevolent and kind and good, and we always have more than we need under all circumstances. But it takes a thoroughly questioned mind to see that."

- Byron Katie

*Thank you to my teacher Susan at Samarasa Center for the quote 🪷

Join me for a deep dive into The Work of Byron Katie this Sunday 10.6 from 6-8:30pm at Kinship Yoga.

We will start with a short introduction to meditation, we will do The Work, and finish with a sound bath Savasana integration + conversation.

You’ll walk away with tools to practice self-inquiry on your own and an entirely new way of seeing the world.

Sign up HERE and if you don’t have MINDBODY, give them a call!

Location: Kinship Yoga 5612 N Figueroa Street Los Angeles 90041


Vibrations Of The Soul


Mantra, Mudra, and Mythology: Durga!