I teach yoga as a celebration of life! In the spirit of connection, intimacy, and empowerment I am in service to this incredible tradition.
In the 20+ years I’ve known yoga, the nature of my practice has shifted from a focus exclusively on the physical to that of a deep study into the nature of Self. My yoga has overflowed from the mat into a lense in which I inhabit the world; one of curiosity, presence, and service. In the stillness of the asanas I unite with the intelligence of my body, the peace within my heart, and the smile of my soul.
With over 1,000 hours of training, 300 of which were immersed on the banks of the Ganges, I teach heart-centered yoga in reverence to its roots and as an emergent, joyful practice.
My teaching is steeped in a foundation of Tantra, Jnana Yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism and inspired by Byron Katie, Ramana Maharshi, Sally Kempton, Sianna Sherman, Susan Marrufo, Thich Nacht Hanh, & many more.